Thursday, July 24


All the girls needed their hair trimmed so we took the plunge and headed out a couple of weeks ago. Ashtyn wanted to go really short, and we kept having to "take of a couple more inches off", but this was as short as I could let her go. I love her long hair and it's so much easier to put it in a bun for ballet when it's long. She got almost 6 inches taken off, and now we can barely get it in a pony tail. But it is easy because I never have to do it and it still looks cute. Jordyn just got a trim, and Avery got a little a-line, which looks pretty cute when it's styled. I can just imagine the fun days my girls and I are going to have at the spa and salon in the future. "Sure you can go hunting, honey; just leave us the credit card!"


Anonymous said...

hey thats my hair it is short i like it thanks for letting me cut it short


Jenny said...

Hey Christine your girls hair is so cute. Randee really wants to cut hers off but I just won't let her. You are great for letting Ashton cut hers. Hey I have the same love for music as you do. I love the feelings that music brings me.

Pickett Fences said...

Cute girls! Their hair cuts make them look older. Girls hair is so much cuter than when I just shave the boys' hair.

Christina said...

Cute cuts. Kelsey was begging to have hers cut short too. There was no way I was going to let her. 3 inches is all I allowed & we made a big deal about how much was cut so she was satisfied. It's hard to let that long pretty stuff go, huh?

Amberlee said...

Cute hair cuts! We just do buzz cuts so I couldn't imagine cutting off so many inches! It was probably hard.