Wednesday, August 19

The results are in...

Let me just say our trip to Park City this weekend will be tons of fun because I get to do something I've never done before.

Shop for a BOY!!!!!!

That's right...I know it's shocking but there was no mistaking during the ultrasound this morning. We are definitely getting a baby boy and couldn't be more thrilled. Jim hasn't stopped smiling all day. I'm still a little shocked myself but will quickly get into boy mode once I hit the stores!

Tuesday, August 11

By the way.....Did I mention......

Horrible picture, I know! I showed this to several people and they could not figure it out. They thought I was having a barbecue! I only had a hot dog bun in the house at the time and couldn't get the whole wall oven in without it being too far away. I'm definitely having more than a barbecue and am already getting big. We find out next week whether we'll be adding another girl or if Jim will finally get some more testoterone in the house--so excited and can't wait to find out!

Now I need to catch up on our summer before it's gone in a few weeks!